Bearing God: The Life and Works of St. Ignatius of Antioch the God-Bearer


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Item No. 9781944967246

by Andrew Stephen Damick

St. Ignatius, first-century Bishop of Antioch, called the “God-bearer,” is one of the earliest witnesses to the truth of Christ and the nature of the Christian life. Tradition tells us that as a small child, Ignatius was singled out by Jesus Himself as an example of the childlike faith all Christians must possess (see Matthew 18:1–4). In Bearing God, Fr. Andrew Damick recounts the life of this great pastor, martyr, and saint, and interprets for the modern reader five major themes in the pastoral letters he wrote: martyrdom, salvation in Christ, the bishop, the unity of the Church, and the Eucharist.

About the Author: The Very Rev. Archpriest Andrew Stephen Damick is Chief Content Officer of Ancient Faith Ministries, the former pastor (2009–2020) of St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church of Emmaus, Pennsylvania, the author of several books from Ancient Faith Publishing, and the host or co-host of multiple Ancient Faith Radio podcasts. He resides in Emmaus with his wife, Kh. Nicole, and their children.

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Author: Andrew Stephen Damick

Paperback: 156 pages

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

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$8.99 at Orthodox Christian Ebooks
$9.99 at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Apple

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Related Media:
Podcast - Ex Libris - Author Interview
Podcast - Chapters - Audiobook Excerpt
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Blog - Walking an Ancient Path - Saint Ignatius of Antioch
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Additional Information

Andrew Stephen Damick
156 pages
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Ancient Faith Publishing
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